Apr 8, 2019 on Forbes.com
10 Strategies For Minimizing Worker Protection Risks During Lean Business Growth
During times of growth, many businesses focus their energy—and money—on areas that are absolutely necessary to company survival. That means that plenty of small businesses and new companies may eschew traditional HR while trying to remain lean and focused on keeping the vital organs running.
While this method may generally work, sometimes the lack of HR can cause massive internal damage. One example is a situation where worker protections are questioned, sometimes without clear answers.
It is clear that without a dedicated and functioning HR department, there are gaps left in the organization’s management. Yet, due to the lean growth, it may be necessary. So, how can a business grow while both keeping lean and doing right by the company employees? Below, Cameron Bishop, CEO/President of SkillPath, and other members of Forbes Human Resources Council shed light on how to manage worker protection and associated risks during a time of growth.
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