Oct 12, 2018 on Forbes
15 Effective Coaching Strategies To Use With New Hires
Many successful entrepreneurs cite mentors along their journey as crucial to their current success. An excellent mentor can be a source of motivation, constant learning and overall improvement needed for success. The inverse is also true. Coaches or mentors not experienced with guiding new or young hires may accidentally impede improvement while trying to help — an outcome that benefits no one.
To be a great mentor and help a mentee reach their maximum potential, you must know how to approach and deal with their needs and concerns. But navigating the unique requirements of new or young hires may be tricky. Which coaching strategies are the most effective and why? Luckily, 15 members of Forbes Human Resources Council break down their most successful coaching strategies below.
1. Listen More Than You Speak
A great coach once told me, "You have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion." Early career professionals are likely to defer to your expertise regardless of if it makes sense for them, so take the time to truly listen in order to understand their motivations, goals and interests and avoid dangerous assumptions about what's best for them. - Heather Doshay, Rainforest QA
2. Tailor Your Coaching For All Learning Types
Everyone internalizes information differently. Some people are visual learners, some are auditory learners and some are kinesthetic learners who learn by doing. The key to a successful coaching strategy is to include all of the above into a program. While there’s no way to tailor a program specifically for him or her, incorporating a bit of each method will ensure you reach all learners. - John Feldmann,Insperity
3. Assign New Hires A Buddy
A young new hire may be overwhelmed by having an official mentor, so it may be best to assign them a more informal buddy. This is someone of similar job level who can answer questions about the department, the boss or informal things like where people eat lunch. Keeping it informal will provide a level of comfort that will allow them to ask pertinent questions or ask for candid feedback. - Charlene Collier, Capitol Consulting Group
4. Encourage Them To Aim High
Young professionals need two things most of all: growth and recognition. Encourage them to aim high, give them the resources to try and recognize them when they succeed. When coaching on a given topic, make sure that you teach the "why" as much as the "how." By teaching the "why," you give young hires the room to create their own tactics, hopefully surpassing your own. - Steven Jiang, Hiretual
5. Engage Them In Development Of The Solution
One effective way to help coach employees is to ask the employee what their ideas are on how to improve or fix a problem. By engaging them in the development of the solution, you will have more buy-in and see results that the employee can feel personally responsible for. Coaching should be a positive interaction and by working as a team you will surely see results everyone can be proud of. - Sarah O'Neill - SHRM-SCP, humano LLC
6. Praise In Public, Correct In Private
I have found the best advice to be "praise in public and correct in private." A long, drawn-out coaching process is not needed. Quick, brief feedback is the way to reinforce or to correct behavior with coaching. I recommend coaches read The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. For mentoring, schedule one-on-one time with the mentee to discuss challenges/resolutions. -Frank Molinario, Security First Insurance Company Inc
7. Set SMART Goals
The best way to set up junior hires for success is to create clear goals that define success from day one. An easy way to do this is by creating "SMART" goals: specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound. Once these goals are defined and documented, make sure that managers consistently check in on progress in weekly one-on-ones and course-correct if needed. - Alexandra Adamson,Bowery Capital
8. Opt For Informal Coaching Sessions
One of the best coaching strategies leaders can use with new and/or young hires who aren’t as familiar with benchmarks is to present the coaching session in an informal manner. Ideas such as lunch, outings or light socials provide an excellent opportunity to share ideas in a very relaxed atmosphere, where feedback can be given and skills sharpened. - John Drumgoole, Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group
9. Connect The Dots Inside And Outside Of Work
The habits people build in their personal lives will affect their lives at work, and vice versa. Effective coaches understand that change and improvement starts at the foundational levels of subconscious thought and behavioral patterns. Those need to be set firmly first before building someone up to the sky. Bringing awareness to these patterns better prepares young hires to think more critically. - Angela Nguyen, Ad Exchange Group
10. Ask Open-Ended Questions
Integrate coaching-style questions into your dialogue. Open-ended questions that demonstrate curiosity and intense listening will be a key component of creating a coaching environment. This should be a daily exercise, not a special “we are going to do coaching now” meeting. Partner with a certified coach in your organization, or better yet, get a coach of your own! - John Sigmon, johnsigmon.com
11. Coach, Don't Micromanage
Effective mentoring comes from being the resource, not from micromanaging. Most new hires learn by doing, and starting a new position can be overwhelming when someone is hovering over your shoulder. A new hire may be right out of college where they became accustomed to being independent with the majority of their work and seek answers as needed. Mentoring should reflect the same experience. - Tiffany Jensen, Pure Grips
12. Encourage Constant And Frequent Chats
I believe in the power of constant and frequent dialogue with your employees — speaking with them throughout the day, updating them on things happening in the business and checking in on how they're doing. Establishing constant communication ensures people feel included, informed and that their work is aligned. It also empowers them with a consistent stream of knowledge and keeps people connected. - James Banares, Valimail
13. Incorporate Purpose Into Coaching Strategies
One effective coaching strategy for leaders with new or young hires is to help them determine their purpose. We use a five-step process that involves a personal assessment, skills development, self-empowerment, personal branding and effectively living your purpose. This process enables an employee to be better positioned as an individual and for leadership opportunities in the workplace. -Genine Wilson, Kelly Services
14. Be Transparent
It's important for leaders to be transparent with everyone, but particularly those employees who are new to coaching/mentoring. This strategy opens up communication, builds trust and forms relationships. It allows employees to see your values and the motivations behind your choices and decisions. - Cameron Bishop,SkillPath
15. Understand Their Strengths
Great leaders are meticulous in selecting the right people to join their team. By understanding a new hire’s strengths, leaders can be deliberate in their coaching/mentoring by focusing on where there is the highest propensity for growth. Leaders can then tailor the education and learning experiences to ensure maximum success for the new hire. - Lisa Sterling, Ceridian
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