Nov 1, 2018 on Crane Hot Line
Developing a Multi-Gen Workforce
Today's companies may have as many as five generations of workers collaborating on projects. They all have different backgrounds, knowledge, personalities, goals, and different ideas of what they need from their workplace and employers.
The multi-generational workplace will have a dramatic impact on learning and development over the next five to 10 years. Organizations prepared to help employees get where they want to be will thrive in the emerging workplace.
Each day, 10,000 Baby Boomers reach retirement age. Pew Research says that 18 percent of the U.S. populations will be 65 years old by 2029. Baby Boomer retirements will continue to have a big impact on every industry.
As company leaders, Boomers have established the organizations vision and culture. In the future, younger leaders will be challenged to maintain the established products, services, and brand reputation.
In this article, featured in Crane Hot Line's November 2018 edition, Michele Markey, vice president of training operations for SkillPath, shares why it is crucial that organizations create a continuous pipeline of leaders prepared for the challenge.
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