Oct 23, 2018 on Forbes
Re-Engage The Right Way: 11 Methods To Assess And Approach Disengaged Employees
Motivated and engaged employees are what you hope for — they work at full speed, are up for any challenge or extra task and have a generally happy demeanor in the workplace. However, over time, employees might slowly start to act differently. Perhaps they aren’t putting in the full 110% or they’re constantly late to work or to meetings. It could even be as simple as neglecting the clothes they wear, when they didn’t before. These all may be signs of disengagement.
Disengagement is a slippery slope. At best, an employee has a rough patch and gets back to normal. At worst, the employee so completely disengages that they leave. If you’re seeing the signs, how should HR respond? Who is the best person to speak with the employee and how?
Below, 11 members of Forbes Human Resources Council share the signs of disengagement that they look for and how they go about finding a solution.
1. Decreased Productivity And Participation
When employees start doing "just enough" to get their job done and stop actively participating in meetings and/or activities, it is a clear sign of disengagement. To recover from this, there needs to be a dual effort between HR and management. HR can have conversations with employees to find out why they seem disengaged, but it is up to the managers to implement and maintain the necessary changes. - Charlene Collier, Capitol Consulting Group
2. High Voluntary Turnover
When an organization is experiencing a disproportionate amount of voluntary turnover, especially within its long-term employees, that is an obvious sign of employee disengagement. Engaged employees stay, disengaged employees leave. Conducting exit interviews and even stay interviews can provide HR with the insight they need to address whatever issues are contributing to the disengagement. -Ivelices Thomas, HR & Beyond
3. Your 110% Employee Suddenly Giving 90%
A negative shift, however small, in productivity or performance is an early sign of disengagement. HR should immediately host the employee for a retention interview. More often than not, personal matters are the culprit and simple schedule adjustments or other "quick fixes" can get the employee back on track and make the employee feel valued. - Cristin Heyns-Bousliman, Blake's Lotaburger, LLC
4. Sarcasm, Tardiness, Withdrawal
Spotting employee disengagement is easy if you're paying attention. Facial expressions, body language, sarcastic answers in speech and/or through email, tardiness to work or to meetings and withdrawal from discussions or social circles can all be signs of disengagement. HR and/or the employee's supervisor should engage the individual in conversation. We can’t help if we don't know the problem. - Frank Molinario, Security First Insurance Company Inc
5. Lack Of Initiative
Disengagement isn’t black and white or always obvious. While it’s easy to spot those who are actively disengaged (poor performance, absenteeism, poor attitude), we have to look closer for first signs of disengagement like lack of initiative and silence. HR should respond to these signs on an individual level by communicating to understand where on the spectrum of engagement the individual may be. - Dr. Kelly Lum, Highgate
6. Communication Breakdown
When employee disengagement begins to surface, the first casualty is communication. The disengaged employees start to withdraw, give minimal updates, and seem less and less interested in the processes, goals, tools and priorities of other departments. On an individual basis, HR should check up with the supervisor and employee to see what issues may be affecting his or her morale. - Angela Nguyen, Ad Exchange Group
7. Checking Out
As employees start to become disengaged, absenteeism generally increases and employees start to dial back any discretionary effort they previously provided such as volunteering for events or special projects, coming in early or staying late, speaking up in meetings and proposing new ideas. The role of HR is to coach leadership to spot these signs and then perform the proper interventions. - Kellie Graham SHRM-SCP, SPHR, Complete Children's Health
8. Any Change In Work Ethic
A change in work ethic, whether gradual or sudden, should raise some red flags. If they stop asking questions, aren’t producing quality work, start coming in late or don’t seem interested in getting ahead in their career anymore, it should be addressed. If possible, their manager should take active steps to show their employee that they are invested in their future with the company. - Edward Fleischman,The Execu|Search Group
9. Absenteeism
One obvious sign of disengagement is absenteeism. Disengaged employees call in sick, show up late, take long lunches and leave early. When they are in the office, they do the bare minimum to keep their jobs. HR can respond by trying to understand what would encourage them to be more involved. Holding one-on-one meetings is a way to build rapport and learn what employees need to feel valued. - Michele Markey, SkillPath
10. Dressing Down
Employees who start to dress down, compared to how they were previously, may be less engaged with work. Often it is coupled with someone putting in fewer hours or making less effort with their team. If this can prompt a conversation on how they feel about their role, it may head off any problems. If the issue isn't work-related it can offer an opportunity to support their overall well-being. - Karla Reffold,BeecherMadden
11. Silence
Disengaged employees stop talking and sharing opinions. Both verbally and physically, they illustrate that they no longer want to be involved. HR should immediately seek to understand why disengaged employees are distancing themselves and then act to find a resolution. This is only possible if your existing culture supports the openness and transparency that are crucial to establishing trust. -Ben Peterson, BambooHR
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