May 20, 2019 on
Six Ways To Craft A Social Media Policy That Fosters Employee Participation
Social media is certainly no longer just for personal use. From the smallest businesses to the largest corporations, companies need to have a social media presence in order to be successful in today’s digital age. But this also means employees who have their own social media pages can end up becoming representatives of their company online—but where to draw the line between personal and professional use can be tricky.
It’s important that employees know what they can and cannot post and how to positively represent their company or brand. The best way to ensure employees are utilizing social media in the most effective way is to create or update company policies that plainly spell out the correct practices. To help, Michele Markey, vice president of training operations for SkillPath, and five other experts from Forbes Human Resources Council share their suggestions on how to best craft these policies.
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