FMLA Basics for Managers
FMLA may seem like an HR thing, but as a manager, you’re accountable too. You need to know enough to understand when the laws may apply and what your responsibilities and limits are when an employee is on leave.
Sign up for this one-hour, online event for the must-know basics you need to manage an employee’s ongoing leave: balancing legal obligations with business needs…handling intermittent leave issues…reinstating employees…best practices for managing the rest of your team when someone’s on leave…and more.
Course Outcomes
- Understand who is eligible for FMLA leave — and who isn’t
- Streamline the process for managing leave requests
- Determine when employees qualify for FMLA, ADA — or both
- Comply with the law without compromising your organization
- Avoid common FMLA mistakes that could lead to lawsuits
- Learn the dos and don’ts of communicating with employees on leave
- Maintain morale and productivity with the team left behind
Scheduled Webinar
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