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Oct 7, 2024

4 Ways Employers Can Improve Mental Health in the Workplace

SkillPath Staff

The workplace is no stranger to mental health disorders. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly a quarter of US adults live with a mental illness.

Unlike physical ailments, mental health disorders can be hard to detect, and they often go months or years before being acknowledged. During this time, these conditions can take quite a toll on one’s livelihood and job performance. As attention grows regarding the impacts of poor mental health, more organizations are exploring ways in which they’re able to improve the mental well-being of their workforce. Below are a few actions your organization can take.  

1. Erase the stigma that surrounds mental illness

In some organizations, mental illness is a taboo topic to discuss at work and thought of as something deeply personal. In an effort to appear "professional," many employees fail to seek the treatment they need to get better.

But think how ignorant it would sound to say things like these to people with physical ailments:

  • "You just think you have cancer. It's all in your head. Try reciting some daily affirmations."
  • "Lupus? You just need to get out and get some fresh air and exercise. That'll do wonders for you."
  • "I read on Facebook that meditation can really help with cystic fibrosis. You should try it."

You wouldn't, right? It should be the same way with mental illness. The brain is as much a part of the body as the lungs, the bones and the skin. Mental illness is physical illness.

To make sure your employees are receiving adequate care, try to establish a workplace environment that is open to these types of conversations and not one that makes employees feel ashamed of any mental ailments they may have. A comfortable employee is one that is more likely to seek recovery and will become a more effective worker in the long run.  

2. Be compassionate towards your employees’ personal lives

Your employees might spend most of their days at the office, but don’t forget about their personal lives at home. A workforce consists of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, some of which are less than ideal. Depending on one’s circumstances, his or her personal life can be physically and mentally taxing, particularly when an employer lacks the understanding and flexibility needed to help alleviate tensions.

However, when an organization acts empathically, it can help reduce the symptoms of stress associated with the demands of an employer on top of a demanding personal life. In return, an employee who feels that their employer champions their well-being is much more likely to become a loyal advocate of their company and recommend it to their peers.

3. Give your employees meaningful work

When an employee’s mental health is suffering, it can be easy for them to appear as though they’ve “checked out,” and perform their job with less satisfaction. This might also be a consequence of not feeling engaged with the work they are given. Studies show that when employees are more engaged with their work, they have a greater sense of connection to their role.   

Organizations can take a variety of measures to help boost engagement among their workforce. For example, it may be beneficial for an organization to streamline positions involving monotonous duties that can be performed by automated technology. Technologies like process automation software are the current driving force behind this shift.

Workers can also find more fulfillment in their roles by utilizing gamification programs to help create fun incentives and rewards for performing job duties. By doing so, not only will employees feel a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction within their role, but it can also have a positive effect on their job performance.

To learn more about mental health in the workplace, check out Employee Well-Being: A Manager's Guide to Mental Health

4. Cultivate impactful mental health policies

Most organizations maintain policies that prohibit discrimination against individuals of a different race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. Far less common are policies that protect those afflicted by mental health illnesses. If employers instill an environment that protects staff members with mental illnesses, they will create a more open workplace where employees feel safe and can be honest about what is troubling them. Not only will this create a healthier, more productive workforce, but it will help hold your workforce to a higher moral standard.

This can also help an organization identify instances where a person might need help; that way, they can receive the attention they need as soon as it’s needed. If your organization does not have policies like these in place, it may be worth re-examining your current policies and implementing ones that can improve the lives of your workforce.


SkillPath Staff